Every tournament requires preparation. Sometimes you’ve traveled several states away and sometimes its just down the road. Either way, there are some things you can do to prepare. It will make the tournament go more smoothly and help you to have a more positive experience.
Preparing for an In-Person Tournament
- If at all possible, memorize your speech
- Practice blocking
- Eat a good meal
- Dress for success
- Practice, practice, practice
In-person tournaments are usually 2-3 days long. Its a busy time, but its also a lot of fun. Parent volunteers will help you find the room you need to be in. Pay attention to the schedule and follow the rules.
Preparing for an Online Tournament
- If at all possible, memorize your speech
- Prepare your area beforehand; remove background distractions
- Eat a good meal
- Practice blocking
- Dress for success
- Test your microphone and camera
- Log in a little early
- Practice, practice practice
Online tournaments give you a lot of flexibility, but they still function like the in-person version. Pay attention to the schedule so you know when you need to be logged in and what room you need to be in.